Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

What is BEGI’s influence and role in
The Baroque Equestrian Games?
BEGI is the acronym for the Baroque Equestrian Games & Institute. It is the sponsoring organization that created the Baroque Equestrian Games competition. The Institute is the arm of the organization that is dedicated to preserving and passing down the wisdom of the great Masters, and making their teachings understandable to modern-day equestrians through clinics, symposiums, systematic courses, and affiliate trainer and judges programs.
Who is invited to be part of the Games?
All horses and riders, no matter what discipline or what breed, are invited to take part in every program that BEGI offers, from the competition to the variety of educational opportunities. Our desire is to help each and every horse and rider to find that incredible balance, lightness, harmony and mutual joy that is the highest expression of the relationship between man and horse. At the clinics, everyone from the 3-day eventers, dressage riders, and western riders have improved their riding skills and their horses have attained better balance and self-carriage through the BEGI Classical exercises.
What is unique and exciting about
The Baroque Equestrian Games?
Up until now, there has not been a venue that highlights the principles of the Historic Classical Masters and rewards the horse and rider who are striving towards these noble goals. Most other competitions tend to focus on the brilliance of gaits, with preference given to the specific breed types for which these competitions were originally created. The purpose of the Baroque Equestrian Games is first and foremost to educate people via the feedback of the judges scoring, as to the principles that help bring every horse into better relaxation, balance, fluidity, lightness, and collection. Unlike other scoring systems, the Baroque Equestrian Games will emphasize artistry over accuracy, and the quality of the horse’s training and the elegance of the rider will be more important than the talent of the individual horse. Of course, if the quality of training and riding are equal, then those certain horses whose conformation and movement are more predisposed to the higher collection will tend to have a more effortless ability to perform the more advanced movements and score higher. Another exciting aspect of the Games is that they allow even novice horses and riders to explore the fun and excitement of the Mounted Maneuvers, as well as the creative expression of the Musical Presentation. We believe that the Baroque Equestrian Games is truly a competition like no other, and we warmly invite the participation of all.

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