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Making the Old New Again

A dance, based on softness and beauty, instead of power and complete accuracy? The Baroque Equestrian Games are looking to revive the ballet of classical riding, giving a modem competition
and system to the training program of the classical dressage masters.
The Revival of Classical Riding With the Baroque Equestrian Games
by Jennifer Roberts

There are more and more riders today, especially women, who want to learn how to ride in a light and balanced way. They are not interested in riding big, powerful gaits, or performing
ground-covering movements with their horse laying heavily in their hands.

BEGI Trainer’s Workshop Report
May 7 & 8, 2016 Ocala, Fl.
In an effort to continue the education, sharing, and preservation of historic classical horsemanship and its importance for the horses and riders of today, the Baroque Equestrian Games & Institute sponsored and produced the first in a collaborative series of Trainer’s Workshops entitled The Paradigm of Balance. It took place at Equilightenment, a beautiful facility recently built by Sharon Madere and located in Ocala, Florida.


On June 9th-11th, Virginia experienced its first Baroque Equestrian Games & Institute (BEGI) Classical Horsemanship Clinic, instructed by Bruno Gonzalez and Tina Cristiani Veder. Over 40 riders and auditors participated at Oakdale Equestrian Center in Powhatan, Virginia, making apparent the keen level of interest in truly classical and light riding.

by Sharon Madere
On November 11, a group of Classical Riding enthusiasts gathered near Richmond, VA for a wonderful afternoon of fun, camaraderie and shared learning. Four horses & riders, cheered by on-the-ground participants, practiced movements and Patterns from the Classical Schooling and Mounted Maneuvers Sections of The Baroque Equestrian Games. Everyone joined in a discussion between the rides, offering encouragement and helpful tips.

Training an Iberian Horse for Competitive Dressage

By Tina Cristiani Veder and Bruno Gonzalez
Over the centuries and across the world, horses have been selectively bred for specific purposes, thereby producing certain types and characteristics with each breed that created various methods of training and riding.
Appreciating the difference between the classically bred and the competitively bred dressage horse enables us to tailor a training program that respects the heritage and the nature of the horse without creating injury.

Upcoming Schooling Show Participants Treated to Special Seminar and Demonstration
The Baroque Equestrian Games & Institute (BEGI) is an exciting new organization dedicated to teaching, rewarding and celebrating the elegance and artistry of Classical Horsemanship. Connecticut's first Baroque Equestrian Games Schooling Show will be held in August 2012, and in preparation for this inaugural event, the competitors were invited to an enlightening day of learning on June 30. Well-known Classical trainer Patricia Norcia from Clinton, CT brought a group of her students to Willow Run Stable in Wilton, NY for this special educational event.

A day of fun and Learning at Connecticut Practice Show
The Baroque Equestrian GamesTM held a "practice show" on August 8th at the Connecticut Equestrian Center in Coventry. It was a wonderful day of enjoyment and discovery for all

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