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Help Promote Artistic
Baroque Horsemanship
by Hosting a B.E.G.I Show
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BEGI offers an innovative, educational and fun Competition that will set you, your facility and/or training program apart!  It’s a great way to offer the horse community in your area something unique & motivating that can grow your business while benefitting all horses & all riders regardless of their level of experience. BEGI has an infrastructure that is set up to work for you.
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  We offer show producers the literature, articles, sample ads, internet promotion, computer scoring program, a list of approved BEGI judges, and BEGI support contacts to answer questions. ​

The feedback about all the BEGI shows has been outstanding! 
Here are a few remarks: ​
“I had a wonderful time at the practice show.  I was actually smiling during the Classical Schooling Pattern – something that doesn’t usually happen when I am riding a test!  The best part was that my horse felt better at the end of the day… more balanced because of the way he was being ridden and the exercises used.  I had one of my best rides ever on him during the Musical Presentation.  I felt truly honored to be riding him and showing what he can do to everyone there. 
I am so glad to be a part of BEGI!”
                                                                     ~ Cindy M. 
“I had such a wonderful time at the Baroque Blast Play Day. In the beginning my green mare came out a little stiff, but as I worked her through some square turns and later through the Patterns, she loosened up and became much softer in my hands. The lighter and softer she got, the more she began to engage her haunches and track up. I also tried sword-play for the first time with her, and to my amazement, she really seemed to enjoy it – and we ended up getting the sword through the ring! I really think this experience was not only beneficial for me, but for my mare as well.”          
                                                                        ~ Dana & Desi                
“My biggest takeaway was the improvement in the suppleness of the horses after having completed just some of the Patterns in the Classical Schooling Section -- it was wonderful to see.  I believe the Patterns are a college education all by themselves! But what I loved most about the whole experience was how calm and content the horses were throughout -- no stress, no tension, no worry -- everything was accomplished harmoniously.  That to me is the true goal of horsemanship.”
                                                                   ~ Jeanne B.              
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Baroque Equestrian Games Competition

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The B.E.G.I. logo and all materials created by B.E.G.I. are proprietary and may not be used without the prior written consent of the Baroque Equestrian Games LLC.

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