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Rewarding, Teaching & Celebrating the Elegance & Artistry of Baroque Horsemanship

Clinic Information

Email - 
Phone - 434-696-2433 (H), 434-480-9430 (C)
Clinic Organizer - Lani Debaets
Penmerryl Farm, 273 Penmerryl Drive, Greenville, VA 24440
Accommodations: On-site at Penmerryl. 10 hotel rooms available plus 2, 3BR cabins that sleep 8. All individuals must make own arrangements with Penmerryl. We recommend 2 to a room. Check rates and contact info on the website.
Lunches & Dinners: Breakfast is included in your room fee. Lunches and dinners to be catered by Gammon Castellvi at $105 for 6 meals. To include Thursday night ($25), Friday lunch ($10), Friday dinner ($25), Saturday lunch ($10), Saturday dinner ($25) and Sunday lunch ($10).
Stalls: $25 per day. First-day shavings provided; additional shavings available at $5.00/wheelbarrow. Horse owners must provide all grain and hay and are responsible for feeding and cleaning. Bring your own water buckets. Feed bins are in most stalls Stall and shavings fees paid to Penmerryl at check out. Stalls MUST be cleaned prior to leaving. Facility fee: There is a $20/day/horse facility fee, payable to Penmerryl.
LQ Trailers: There are a limited number of electric hookups at $20/night
Dogs permitted ONLY ON LEAS
BEGI Logo with Ring.png
2017 Full BEGI Name.png
Rewarding, Teaching & Celebrating the Elegance & Artistry of Baroque Horsemanship

Virginia Clinic Information

Clinic Organizer:  Lani Debaets
Phone:  434-696-2433 (H),  434-480-9430 (C)
Penmerryl Farm, 273 Penmerryl Drive, Greenville, VA 24440
Accommodations: On-site at Penmerryl. 10 hotel rooms available plus 2, 3BR cabins that sleep 8. All individuals must make own arrangements with Penmerryl. We recommend 2 to a room. Check rates and contact info on the website.
Lunches & Dinners: Breakfast is included in your room fee. Lunches and dinners to be catered by Gammon Castellvi at $105 for 6 meals. To include Thursday night ($25), Friday lunch ($10), Friday dinner ($25), Saturday lunch ($10), Saturday dinner ($25) and Sunday lunch ($10).
Stalls: $25 per day. First-day shavings provided; additional shavings available at $5.00/wheelbarrow. Horse owners must provide all grain and hay and are responsible for feeding and cleaning. Bring your own water buckets. Feed bins are in most stalls Stall and shavings fees paid to Penmerryl at check out. Stalls MUST be cleaned prior to leaving. Facility fee: There is a $20/day/horse facility fee, payable to Penmerryl.
LQ Trailers: There are a limited number of electric hookups at $20/night
Dogs permitted ONLY ON LEASH

The B.E.G.I. logo and all materials created by B.E.G.I. are proprietary and may not be used without the prior written consent of the Baroque Equestrian Games LLC.

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